Sep 29, 2022 | Arabic in Adelaide, Community Connections, Movies
After two tumultuous years, the 2022 Lebanese Film Festival finally made its return to Adelaide with three thought-provoking films encapsulating the marvels of Arabic language and culture, as well as the bitter-sweet reality that Lebanese people endure. The three-day...
Aug 29, 2022 | Arabic in Adelaide, Community Connections, Exhibition, Workshops
On the 28th of August, we successfully held ‘Objects Tell Our Stories’ workshop at Campbelltown Arthouse, as part of our planning process for the upcoming exhibition at the History Trust of SA Migration Museum in 2023. As warm as the sunshine we got to enjoy, the...
Dec 15, 2021 | Arabic in Adelaide, Community Celebration, Community Connections, Dance, Events, Exhibition
On December 11, 2021, ALCASA celebrated the World Arabic Language Day in SA, at the beautiful and significant venue, the History Trust of SA, Migration Museum. More than 80 people attended this event while adhering to the safety measures in place with the restrictions...
Dec 4, 2021 | Arabic in Adelaide, Community Connections, Events, Exhibition
We are very excited while getting ready to celebrate the World Arabic Language Day in South Australia for the first time on Saturday 11/12/2021, at the Migration Museum, 4:30 to 7:30pm. The event has been sold out and a waiting list is now open. We are considering...
Oct 20, 2021 | Arabic in Adelaide, Art and Craft, Community Connections, Events, Exhibition, Word Art, Workshops
South Australia is a growing multicultural community and recent world events have shown how welcoming and inclusive our community can be of the growing tapestry of our population. These events have also shown our resilience and care for one another; especially when...
Aug 2, 2021 | Arabic in Adelaide, Art and Craft, Community Connections, Exhibition, Workshops
زيارة لمعرض فني مع جمعية ألكاسا، بقلم صباح الانباري في السابع والعشرين من شهر يونيو/حزيران 2021 نظمّت جمعية (الكاسا) زيارة لمعرض فنيّ كبير شارك فيه عدد من الفنانين المحليين من متعددي الثقافات. ضم المعرض 46 لوحة تنوعت في حجمها، وأسلوبها، ومقدار الإبداع المتحقق فيها....
Jun 18, 2021 | Arabic in Adelaide, Community Celebration, Community Connections, Exhibition
We are delighted to have taken part in the Audience Research Project and in curating the Art exhibition “Home”. It was quite empowering to witness the launch of the exhibition on 6/06/2021, in presence of His Excellency Hieu Van Le AC, the Governor General of South...
Apr 10, 2018 | Arabic in Adelaide, Community Celebration, Community Connections, Dance, Events, Music, Sahra
On a warm Autumn night the nostalgic beat and rhythm of centuries of Arabic music and culture was heard in the heart of Adelaide. On the 24 March 2018, the Arabic Language and Culture Association of South Australia (ALCASA) hosted their third annual Sahra event سهرة...
Dec 19, 2016 | Arabic in Adelaide, Community Connections, dabke, Dance, Events, Music, Sahra
The year ALCASA 2016 has ended with an amazing Sahra ( “سهرة” an entertaining evening in Arabic). Around 125 people, from Arabic and non-Arabic speaking background, have come to enjoy a true Arabic celebration. If you know anything about Arabic celebrations, you would...